Notification No. NPSC/EXAM-15/2021 dt. 24.08.2023 ( Speed-Test in Shorthand for Stenographer)

Published on : 25-08-2023 11:21 am



                                                                                      Dated  Kohima, the  24th  August 2023


NO.NPSC/EXAM-15/2021: This is to notify that the Commission will be conducting Speed-Test in Shorthand for Stenographer Grade II & III for Department Promotion in the Nagaland Public Service Commission’s Exam Hall as per programme given below.


01.11.2023 : 10:00 A.M. Onwards                          1. Speed-Test in Short Hand at 150 w.p.m

                                                                                     2. Speed-Test in Short Hand at 130 w.p.m


1.         The appointing authority may nominate candidates who are regular and confirmed in service. The nomination letter should reach the undersigned on or before 11th October, 2023. Application received after the last date will not be accepted.

2.         No candidates will be allowed to appear in both lower and higher grade simultaneously.

3.         The list of eligible candidates shall be displayed on the Commission’s Notice Board and Website after 2:00 PM on 26th October, 2023.

4.         The Commission shall provide shorthand Note Book and Typing papers only. All concern candidates should be present for the proposed test with their own Type-writing Machine on the date, time and venue specified above or as may be notified subsequently. They should be present at the Examination Hall an hour before the commencement of the test.

5.         It may be made clear to intending candidates that the success in the Speed Test shall confer no right of promotion  unless that the candidates is eligible for promotion in all respect.

6.         Further, the appointing authorities should ensure that only the regular Stenographers are allowed to sit for Speed-Test. The nomination of the eligible incumbents should be supported by appointment/ promotion order(s).

7.         The intending candidates are requested to produce their  service ID card during the Speed Test.



Nagaland Public Service Commission
